Monday, September 10, 2007


For my first assignment, I chose this piece of the Roman goddess Venus. It consists of a lady on a bed with a dog in the foreground, and two ladies in the background. The scene takes place in a luxuriously finished room. While the naked lady in the front is obviously the key figure in the piece, your eyes are easily dragged to the ladies in the back. Their surroundings are easy to over look due to its slight blurriness and lack of detail.
The lady in the front appears to be Venus, which can not only be told by the name of the piece, but as well because this is a common pose for Venus. While it is a traditional pose, it is not so common for Venus to be seen actually in the bedroom. Venus is the Roman Goddess for love, beauty, and fertility. I believe this piece is depicting fertility. Venus is giving her classic seductive look, but it is toned down to make her look more mother by having a puppy on the bed. The two ladies though help raise a larger curiosity about the piece. They appear to be gathering materials, like sheets, so they are probably preparing the bed.
I am pulled in multiple directions on how I feel about this piece. I find the portayal of Venus more interesting then her usual depictions, but then it begins to bore me. The colors are slightly flat and the background does not have a lot of detail. While I may not desire to buy the piece, I find it interesting for a short period of time.

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